Truss Configurations
Two Basic Types of Trusses
The pitched or common truss is characterized by its triangular shape. It is most often used for roof construction. Some trusses are named according to their web configuration, such as the King Post, Fan, Fink or Howe truss. The chord size and web configuration are determined by span, load and spacing. All truss designs are optimized to provide the most economical configuration for the specific application.
The parallel chord or flat truss gets its name from having parallel top and bottom chords. This type is often used for floor construction, but can also be used in roof applications.

Standard Roof Truss Configurations
Double Fink

Double Howe

Modified Fan


Parallel Chord
4x2 Floor Truss with Chase

2x4 Floor or Roof Truss*

* Can design with a chase as well.
Truss Configurations
The following examples represent some of the possible variations on the basic types of trusses. The only limit to the design is your imagination!